Resources by Larry Huch - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Larry Huch

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Miracles by the Moment: Daily Steps to Enter God's Promises, Miracles and Unlimited Blessings

Miracles by the Moment: Daily Steps to Enter God's Promises, Miracles and Unlimited Blessings

by Larry Huch and Tiz Huch

Are you tapping into the miracles that God promised you? This book will change my perspective of God to see that no matter what the enemy or the world throws at me, He has given me thousands of promises to overcome these obstacles. For forty-five years, Larry and Tiz Huch have been teaching believers how to access the promises God has given in His … Read more…

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The Seven Living Prophecies: What Israel and End-Time Prophecies Have to Do With You

The Seven Living Prophecies: What Israel and End-Time Prophecies Have to Do With You

by Larry Huch

The missing piece to God’s end-time plan is you. Through more than forty years of ministry, Pastor Larry Huch has seen a trend: Christians are living well below the promises and covenants of God. He says they are missing out in part because they don’t fully understand where we are on God’s biblical timeline. In this timely book, Huch, a res… Read more…

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Liberando bendiciones familiares: El plan de Dios para su matrimonio y sus hijos

Liberando bendiciones familiares: El plan de Dios para su matrimonio y sus hijos

by Larry Huch and Tiz Huch

Los pastores Larry y Tiz Huch han tenido que vencer muchos de los retos que las familias afrontan actualmente, desde maldiciones generacionales hasta conflictos de personalidad. Y lo que Dios ha hecho por ellos, lo hará también por usted cuando confíe en Él y modele su matrimonio y su hogar según su huella divina: la Santa Biblia… Read more…

7 lugares donde Jesús derramó su sangre

7 lugares donde Jesús derramó su sangre

by Larry Huch

¡Descubra la plena revelación de lo que Jesús logró para usted por medio de su muerte y resurrección! Cada página de este revolucionario libro del pastor Larry Huch le llevará a un notable viaje por los últimos días de la vida y el ministerio de Jesús. Usted recibirá una nueva perspectiva sobre c&oacu… Read more…

Antiguos secretos bíblicos develados: Cómo recibir los milagros que ha estado esperando

Antiguos secretos bíblicos develados: Cómo recibir los milagros que ha estado esperando

by Larry Huch

Un alarmante número de cristianos han sido alimentados con la idea de que nuestro Dios es un dios tacaño y enojado. Nada podría estar más lejos de la verdad. De hecho, Larry Huch sugiere que los ojos de Dios están constantemente recorriendo “toda la tierra” (2 Crónicas 16:9), buscando a alguien a quien sanar, a quien… Read more…

7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood

7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood

by Larry Huch

Discover the full revelation of what Jesus accomplished for you through His death and resurrection! Every page of this revolutionary book by Pastor Larry Huch will take you on a remarkable journey through the last days of Jesus’ life and ministry. You’ll receive a fresh perspective on how He shed His blood not just once but seven times Pastor Huc… Read more…

Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets: Receiving the Miracles You Have Been Waiting For

Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets: Receiving the Miracles You Have Been Waiting For

by Larry Huch

God’s eyes are constantly searching for someone to heal, someone to bless, someone to prosper, and someone to favor. In Unveiling Ancient Biblical Secrets, Pastor Larry Huch reveals God’s ancient blessings for your life, such as: Destruction of the curse of povertyHealing beneath the wings of the tallitThe first ten minutes that can change your w… Read more…

bendición Torá: Revelando el misterio, facilitando el milagro

bendición Torá: Revelando el misterio, facilitando el milagro

by Larry Huch

¡Los milagros que ha estado esperando están a punto de ser liberados mediante la revelación de La bendición Torá! Descubra las raíces judías de su fe cristiana con el aclamado escritor y destacado autor, el pastor Larry Huch, a medida que él le lleva en un increíble viaje a través de las verdades ocult… Read more…

Torah Blessing: Revealing the Mystery, Releasing the Miracle

Torah Blessing: Revealing the Mystery, Releasing the Miracle

by Larry Huch

The miracles you have been waiting for are about to be released through the revelation of The Torah Blessing! Discover the Jewish roots of your Christian faith with acclaimed writer and leading authority Pastor Larry Huch as he takes you on an incredible journey through the hidden truths of the Torah and God’s Word. This revelation will bring the Bible… Read more…

Libre al fin: Removiendo el pasado de su futuro

Libre al fin: Removiendo el pasado de su futuro

by Larry Huch

¡Usted puede ser libre de su pasado!¡No permita que lo que le haya pasado a usted y a su familia detenga su vida! En Cristo Jesús, usted puede ser libertado de la depresión, la ira, el abuso, la inseguridad y la adicción. El Pastor Larry Huch revele ponderosas verdades de las Escrituras que le permiten a él y a muchos … Read more…

10 Curses That Block the Blessing

10 Curses That Block the Blessing

by Larry Huch

Blessing or Curses…It’s Up to You! Have you been suffering with depression, family dysfunction, marital unhappiness, or other problems and been unable to overcome them? Within the pages of this groundbreaking book, Ten Curses That Block the Blessing, Larry Huch shares his personal experience with a life of anger, drug addiction, crime, and viole… Read more…

Free at Last: Breaking Generational Curses

Free at Last: Breaking Generational Curses

by Larry Huch

Does your family history or that of a loved one have a common thread of dysfunction, marital problems, sickness, or abuse that goes from generation to generation? If so, this book is for you. There are countless ways you can be affected by the hurtful patterns that have been knowingly and unknowingly passed down through the generations. But you can break fre… Read more…