Resources by Rebecca Brown - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Rebecca Brown

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Maldiciones sin quebrantar: La fuente escondida de problemas en la vida cristiana

Maldiciones sin quebrantar: La fuente escondida de problemas en la vida cristiana

by Rebecca Brown and Daniel Yoder

¿Es usted una de las muchas víctimas de alguna maldicón sin quebrantar? Hoy día, innumerables cristianos en todo el mundo están llenos de una inexplicable pobreza, de calamidades y de una variedad de circunstancias adversas. Sus vidas están colmadas de pesares y frustraciones, mientras luchan de manera constante contra poderosas… Read more…

Unbroken Curses: Hidden Source of Trouble in the Christian's Life

Unbroken Curses: Hidden Source of Trouble in the Christian's Life

by Rebecca Brown and Daniel Yoder

Why Many Bad Things Happen to Good People...The Problem Are you one of the many victims of an unbroken curse? Today, countless Christians throughout the world are plagued by unexplained poverty, calamities, and a variety of adverse circumstances. Their lives are tragically filled with heartache and desperation as they continuously struggle against overpoweri… Read more…

Cómo llegar a ser una vasija para honra

Cómo llegar a ser una vasija para honra

by Rebecca Brown

El poder para vencer a Satanás peude ser suyo… “El propósito de este libro es ayudarlo a entender el mundo del ocultismo, el cual amplía su influencia con gran rapidez, con la finalidad de que pueda usted evitar caer en sus trampas.” —Dra. Rebecca Brown Los temas que se abordan incluyen:La clave del poder espiritual: c… Read more…

Becoming a Vessel of Honor

Becoming a Vessel of Honor

by Rebecca Brown

Power over Satan Can Be YoursBecoming a vessel of honor is written for all those children of God who hunger and thirst after a close personal relationship with Him. It is for those who long to hear His voice in their innermost being, who will not be satisfied with anything less than the experience of His presence and glory. It is for those who value such a r… Read more…

Prepare for War: A Manual for Spiritual Warfare

Prepare for War: A Manual for Spiritual Warfare

by Rebecca Brown

In this spiritual warfare manual, Dr. Rebecca Brown writes from seven years’ experience helping deliver many, many people out of hard-core satanism. A sequel to Dr. Brown’s best seller He Came to Set the Captives Free, this book will show you how to: Stand victoriously against SatanDeal with the dangerous New Age teachingsRecognize and deal with … Read more…

Preparémonos para la guerra

Preparémonos para la guerra

by Rebecca Brown

Preparémonos para la guerra En este manual para la batalla espiritual, la doctora Brown escribe basada en los siete años en que ha ayudado muchos, muchos personas a escapar del satanismo más crudo. En esta continuación de su muy vendido libro Él Vino a Dar Libertad a Los Cautivos, aprendemos a:Enfrentarnos victoriosamente a satan… Read more…

vino a dar libertad a los cautivos

vino a dar libertad a los cautivos

by Rebecca Brown

Durante 17 años, Elaine sirvió a su maestro, Satanás, con una total dedicación. Un día se encontró con la Dra. Rebecca Brown, quien servía a su maestro, Jesucristo, con igual dedicación. Elaine, una de las brujas más prominentes en los Estados Unidos y muchos otros satanistas que le obedecían, lucharo… Read more…

He Came to Set the Captives Free: A Guide to Recognizing and Fighting the Attacks of Satan, Witches, and the Occult

He Came to Set the Captives Free: A Guide to Recognizing and Fighting the Attacks of Satan, Witches, and the Occult

by Rebecca Brown

For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Brown, who served her master, Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine, one of the top witches in the U.S., clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly lost her life. Elaine, … Read more…