Resources by Chris Tiegreen - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Chris Tiegreen

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Moments of Hope: 40 Days of Encouragement for Women

Moments of Hope: 40 Days of Encouragement for Women

by Chris Tiegreen

Connect with God in a new way and find the hope in every moment.As women, we deeply desire wisdom, encouragement, and hope amid the busyness and distractions of our everyday lives.In Moments of Hope we are encouraged to redirect our thinking to understand ourselves, our world, and our God accurately. Complete with Bible verses, helpful stories, and practical… Read more…

One Year Praying in Faith Devotional: 365 Daily Bible Readings on Hearing God and Believing His Promises

One Year Praying in Faith Devotional: 365 Daily Bible Readings on Hearing God and Believing His Promises

by Chris Tiegreen

The faith journey can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be.Abraham, Joseph, David, Paul, and even Jesus himself—all heroes of the faith who experienced both the soaring grace of answered prayers and crushing sorrow when God seemed unwilling to respond or too far away to hear. And yet, even in the darkest times, God was working, writing an unseen story of r… Read more…

Escuchando su voz: 90 devocionales para profundizar su relación con Dios

Escuchando su voz: 90 devocionales para profundizar su relación con Dios

by Chris Tiegreen

Aprenda a escuchar la voz de aquel que más lo ama.Dios no guarda silencio. Sabemos que le habla a su pueblo. A lo largo de las páginas de las Escrituras, él guía, instruye, corrige y anima. Pero ¿qué le dice a usted? ¿Cómo se lo dice? ¿Cómo se puede saber cuándo lo ha escuchado a él?Escuchando su voz es un hermoso devocional de 90 días, ilustrad… Read more…

Hearing His Voice: 90 Devotions to Deepen Your Connection with God

Hearing His Voice: 90 Devotions to Deepen Your Connection with God

by Chris Tiegreen

Learn to listen for the voice of the One who loves you most.God is not silent. We know that He speaks to His people. Throughout the pages of Scripture, He guides, instructs, corrects, and encourages. But what does He say to you? How does He say it? How can you know when you’ve heard Him?Hearing His Voice is a beautiful 90-day devotional to help you discove… Read more…

One Year Salt and Light Devotional: 365 Inspirations to Equip and Encourage You to Live Out Your Calling in the World

One Year Salt and Light Devotional: 365 Inspirations to Equip and Encourage You to Live Out Your Calling in the World

by Chris Tiegreen

Bring the light and hope of Christ into your home, your community, and your world.Scripture calls us to be lights in the world—brightening and warming the lives of those around us. But it seems the world is becoming more and more closed off to the hope and promise of faith. How do we live out the light of Christ, showing His love to the people who need it … Read more…

Promise of Lent Devotional: A 40-day Journey toward the Miracle of Easter

Promise of Lent Devotional: A 40-day Journey toward the Miracle of Easter

by Chris Tiegreen

Lent is a time of remembering Christ’s sacrifice—and yet it is not meant to be depressing; it is meant to be reorienting. The 40-day holy season is one of transition when we turn our eyes away from fading disappointments and move ever closer to the radiance of Easter hope.This is the purpose of The Promise of Lent Devotional: to stir up the hope that God… Read more…

Wonder of Advent Devotional

Wonder of Advent Devotional

by Chris Tiegreen

Rediscover the heart of the Advent seasonAs the year comes to a close and the stress and busyness of the consumer Christmas holiday grows, it can be easy to lose sight of what the season really calls us to: worship. In today’s world, is it even possible to slow down, to ponder, to wonder in the coming birth of Christ?This Advent, recapture the mystery and … Read more…

One Year Heaven on Earth Devotional: 365 Daily Invitations to Experience God's Kingdom Here and Now

One Year Heaven on Earth Devotional: 365 Daily Invitations to Experience God's Kingdom Here and Now

by Walk Thru the Bible and Chris Tiegreen

Discover the richness of living in the Kingdom of God—right here on earth.Do you long for a deep, intimate connection with God? Are you hoping for a day when His Kingdom is realized here on earth? Do you wonder what the Bible has to say about bringing that Kingdom to your everyday life?The Bible is filled with teachings about the Kingdom of God—it was on… Read more…

Devocional en un año -- Camina con Dios: 365 lecturas diarias de la Biblia para renovar tu mente

Devocional en un año -- Camina con Dios: 365 lecturas diarias de la Biblia para renovar tu mente

by Walk Thru the Bible and Chris Tiegreen

Pablo nos dice que «dejemos que Dios nos transforme en personas nuevas al cambiarnos la manera de pensar». ¿Qué significa eso para el cristiano medio? Significa dejar el razonamiento humano incorrecto y adoptar una manera radicalmente diferente de pensar, de sentir y de tomar decisiones. Aplicando las numerosas referencias de la Biblia al pensamiento del… Read more…

One Year Hearing His Voice Devotional: 365 Days of Intimate Communication with God

One Year Hearing His Voice Devotional: 365 Days of Intimate Communication with God

by Chris Tiegreen

This year, learn to listen for the voice of the One who loves you most.We know for sure that God speaks to His people. Throughout the pages of Scripture, He guides, instructs, corrects, inspires, encourages, and reveals. Inspired writers even call Him “the Word.” He has always been vocal, and He always will be.But what does He say to you? How does He say… Read more…

One Year God with Us Devotional

One Year God with Us Devotional

by Walk Thru the Bible and Chris Tiegreen

Our God is no distant God. In the earliest days of the church, when His manifest presence was unleashed through the power of the Cross, He revealed Himself to believers in an amazing new way. The promise of the prophets and Jesus—that God would live with us—was being fulfilled. And lives were being changed. In The One Year God with Us Devotional, Chris T… Read more…

Crucible: The Choices That Change Your Life Forever

Crucible: The Choices That Change Your Life Forever

by Chris Tiegreen and Phil Tuttle

Moments of decision. Your life is full of them, and how you respond can have lifelong impact. The decision process can be as intense as a crucible—a vessel in a refining fire, a place where precious substances are tested, purified, and strengthened. That’s a picture of the process God uses in our lives. When the heat is on, what decisions wi… Read more…

(Number of titles: 20)