New Releases - Olive Tree Bible Software

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New Releases

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Divine Revelation of the Powerful Blood of Jesus: Healing for Your Spirit, Soul, and Body

Divine Revelation of the Powerful Blood of Jesus: Healing for Your Spirit, Soul, and Body

by Mary K Baxter and T L Lowery

Through her own and others' personal experiences, best-selling author Mary Baxter shows how many lives have been forever transformed by the powerful blood of Jesus. Some of the life-changing results that you, too, can experience include: Overcoming the power of sinWalking in divine health and wholenessLiving in peace and divine protectionReceiving help w… Read more…

StormProof: Weathering Life's Tough Times

StormProof: Weathering Life's Tough Times

by Carol Burton McLeod

Go “storm chasing” through the pages of the greatest Book ever written! What storm has blown into your circumstances? Are you—or someone you love—suffering from the trauma of plans that have been washed away, relationships that have been uprooted, or security that has been devastated? Many believers have been known to ask, “God,… Read more…

Basic Steps for Spiritual Growth

Basic Steps for Spiritual Growth

by R. A. Torrey

This compilation of R. A. Torrey's writings on the basic "how to's" of the Christian life is an easy-to-use handbook on how to grow in faith and in spiritual maturity. As one of the greatest evangelists of modern times, and a great storyteller of true-life experiences, Torrey's writings remain relevant and compelling for the contemporary reader. … Read more…

No Apology Needed: Learning to Forgive as God Does

No Apology Needed: Learning to Forgive as God Does

by Nathan Byrd

Nathan R. Byrd was inspired to write No Apology Needed: Learning to Forgive as God Does during Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement and forgiveness, in 2012. As he began to research the Jewish perspective of the holiday, he realized that neither Adam nor Eve ever apologized to God for their sin, yet they were forgiven immediately. Byrd offers a … Read more…

Inesperado: Deja atrás el miedo, sigue adelante en fe, abraza la aventura

Inesperado: Deja atrás el miedo, sigue adelante en fe, abraza la aventura

by Christine Caine

¿Es posible tener paz en un mundo incierto? ¿Es posible no solo esperar lo inesperado, sino abrazarlo? La mayoría de nosotros queremos tener la vida bajo control. Pero Dios quiere que anticipemos lo inesperado con una fe profundamente enraizada en su bondad. Él quiere que sepamos que porque Él tiene el control, no es necesa… Read more…

Alleged Errors of the Bible: Addressing Problematic Passages in Scripture

Alleged Errors of the Bible: Addressing Problematic Passages in Scripture

by John Haley

"How many angels were at the empty tomb?""Did God or Satan cause King David to sin?""If the Bible is God's Word, then why are there so many contradictions in it?"Questions like these have been heard many times by those seeking to share their faith. The average believer may not always know the answer for every accusation made about the reliability of Scri… Read more…

5 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom: Wipe Out Debt and Build Wealth

5 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom: Wipe Out Debt and Build Wealth

by Dan Willis

As a young and naïve pastor, Dan Willis maxed out twenty-three credit cards and ruined his credit to support his ministry. It wasn’t until massive debt caused the cards to stop working that he realized that God never asked him to do this. Through his candor and honesty, Dan reveals the five steps God showed him to get out of debt: stop spending, c… Read more…

Jesus' Economy: A Biblical View of Poverty, the Currency of Love, and a Pattern for Lasting Change

Jesus' Economy: A Biblical View of Poverty, the Currency of Love, and a Pattern for Lasting Change

by John D Barry

You know people around the world are struggling. A homeless man holds a sign that reads, “Anything helps.” A poor child lives in a slum swarming with flies. A refugee mother is on the brink of starvation. You ask yourself, “But what can I do about such big problems?” You’re looking for long-term solutions. John D. Barry sha… Read more…

Wild and Mighty Fire: Encounter the Power of the Holy Spirit

Wild and Mighty Fire: Encounter the Power of the Holy Spirit

by André T Ashby

The Holy Spirit is wild and powerful and wants to be manifested in your life. In Wild and Mighty Fire: Encounter the Power of the Holy Spirit, André Ashby shares numerous testimonies of people whose lives were forever changed when they asked the Holy Spirit to come. If you desire more of the Lord, ask the Holy Spirit to come and get ready for an excit… Read more…

Discernidor: Escuchar, confirmar y actuar sobre la revelación profética

Discernidor: Escuchar, confirmar y actuar sobre la revelación profética

by James W. Goll

“Yo quiero hacer más que oír una palabra que venga de Dios. Yo quiero convertirme en esa palabra. Ese es el propósito supremo de la revelación: que la Palabra se convierta en carne.” —James Goll ¿Qué es “la revelación profética” que viene de Dios? ¿Y cuál es el rol del cr… Read more…

Ayuno de rompimiento: Accediendo al poder de Dios

Ayuno de rompimiento: Accediendo al poder de Dios

by Guillermo Maldonado

Si los creyentes de hoy conocieran el poder espiritual del rompimiento que viene cuando ayunamos, ¡lo practicarán más! El rompimiento es un estallido espiritual repentino que nos empuja más allá de nuestras limitaciones y nos introduce en la liberación y la libertad.   Muchos cristianos están luchando con la necesidad de orientaci&oacu… Read more…

Breakthrough Fast: Accessing the Power of God

Breakthrough Fast: Accessing the Power of God

by Guillermo Maldonado

If today’s believers only knew the spiritual power for breakthrough that comes through fasting, they would practice it more! A breakthrough is a sudden spiritual burst that pushes us beyond our limitations and into deliverance and freedom. Many Christians are struggling with a need for guidance, deliverance from long-term issues, and answers to perplex… Read more…

(Number of titles: 1054)