New Releases - Olive Tree Bible Software

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New Releases

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Breaking Toxic Soul Ties: Healing from Unhealthy and Controlling Relationships

Breaking Toxic Soul Ties: Healing from Unhealthy and Controlling Relationships

by Tom Brown

Going through this world in relationship with other people inevitably creates connections in our inner being called soul ties. When these relationships are loving, supportive, and nurturing, positive soul ties are created. But if the relationships become abusive or manipulative, or cause rejection, they create a toxic brokenness within our soul that we carry… Read more…

ReMission: Rethinking How Church Leaders Create Movement

ReMission: Rethinking How Church Leaders Create Movement

by Gary Comer

A systemic disease is lurking inside the church that is derailing it from what God intended it to be, to know, and to do. That disease manifests in practical ignorance and isolation. If the church is to be healthy and thriving, its members must gain the needed know-how and skill sets to meaningfully engage with their increasingly difficult-to-reach unsaved n… Read more…

Until He Comes: Twenty Reflections on the Lord's Supper

Until He Comes: Twenty Reflections on the Lord's Supper

by Charles H. Spurgeon

Spurgeon observed the Lord's Supper every Sunday, unless illness prevented it. He often said that the more he obeyed Christ's command, "This do in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19), the more precious his Savior and the more helpful and instructive the celebration became to him. He always intended to publish a collection of his reflections on … Read more…

Última Flecha: No guardes nada para la próxima vida

Última Flecha: No guardes nada para la próxima vida

by Erwin Raphael McManus

Cuando llegues al final de tus días, no medirás el valor de tu vida a base de éxitos y fracasos. Todo eso comenzará a difuminarse en una sola memoria llamada “vida”. Lo que te dará consuelo, o te perseguirá hasta tu último suspiro, es lo que pudiste haber hecho, pero no hiciste; lo que pudiste haber sido, pero nunca llega… Read more…

Planifica Tu Futuro: Un Plan Probado para Llegar al Lugar Deseado

Planifica Tu Futuro: Un Plan Probado para Llegar al Lugar Deseado

by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy

Todos tenemos una sola vida qué vivir en la tierra. Lo que hacemos con ella es nuestra decisión. ¿La vivimos a la deriva como espectadores, reaccionando a nuestras circunstancias, y preguntándonos cómo llegamos al punto donde estamos? ¿O la estamos dirigiendo, maximizando la alegría y el potencial de cada día… Read more…

Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer: How to Call Heaven to Earth

Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer: How to Call Heaven to Earth

by Myles Munroe

Learn to Pray—And Change the World // "You're in our prayers" has become a cliche. Just a nice thing to say when we see someone struggling.But do we really understand the power of prayer?God, God Almighty, God the Creator of the heavens and the earth, God the Beginning and the End, God the Source of all that is, God the Creator of man—the sam… Read more…

Entendiendo el Propósito y el Poder de la Oración: Cómo Llamar al Cielo a la Tierra

Entendiendo el Propósito y el Poder de la Oración: Cómo Llamar al Cielo a la Tierra

by Myles Munroe

Aprenda a orar…y cambie el mundo. // “Estás en nuestras oraciones” se ha convertido en un cliché. Es solo una expresión amable que decimos cuando vemos a alguien en problemas. ¿Pero realmente entendemos el poder de la oración? Dios, Dios Todopoderoso, Dios Creador de los cielos y la tierra, Dios el Principio y … Read more…

Journey into Silence: Transformation Through Contemplation, Wonder, and Worship

Journey into Silence: Transformation Through Contemplation, Wonder, and Worship

by Chaim Bentorah

A One-of-a-Kind Devotional  What is it like to spend extended time in an environment where you focus solely on God and His Word, with no other obligations and nothing to distract you from His loving presence—wrapped in an ever-deepening closeness with the Lord? Find out in this one-of-a-kind devotional. Chaim Bentorah reveals the spiritual blessi… Read more…

Discerner: Hearing, Confirming, and Acting On Prophetic Revelation (A Guide to Receiving Gifts of Discernment and Testing the Spirits)

Discerner: Hearing, Confirming, and Acting On Prophetic Revelation (A Guide to Receiving Gifts of Discernment and Testing the Spirits)

by James W. Goll

“I want to do more than hear a word from God. I want to become that word. That is revelation’s ultimate purpose—for the Word to become flesh.”—James GollWhat is “prophetic revelation” from God? And what is the believer’s role in receiving and activating it? James Goll, author of the best seller The Seer, explai… Read more…

Parents' Guide to Understanding Children's Dreams and Nightmares

Parents' Guide to Understanding Children's Dreams and Nightmares

by Recie Saunders

“This book will help you value dreams—and maybe set the stage for a child’s receptivity to God’s truths.” --Diane Jackson Wife of John Paul Jackson, founder of Streams Ministries and creator of the TV program Dreams & Mysteries A child with regular nightmares can easily be dismissed by professionals as just overly imaginative or… Read more…

Unstuck: Hope for Christians in a Dead-End Job, Dead-End Faith, or Some Similar Soul-Shriveling Rut

Unstuck: Hope for Christians in a Dead-End Job, Dead-End Faith, or Some Similar Soul-Shriveling Rut

by Chris DuPré

Do you feel like you missed the boat? Are you burnt out? Have your feet been dragging the sidewalk? Do you catch yourself dreaming of what could have been? Of if-only-I-had, or if-only-I-hadn’t? This book is for anyone sitting in the audience who should be on stage, anyone reading blogs who should also be writing them, anyone supporting ministries who … Read more…

Why Four Gospels?

Why Four Gospels?

by A W Pink

Why does the New Testament contain four Gospels—four different accounts of the same Man? And don’t the Gospels contradict one another? Masterful Bible teacher Arthur Pink explains how the four Gospels do not contradict but rather collaborate in order to provide us with a deeper, multifaceted description of the person of Jesus Christ. In Matthew, … Read more…

(Number of titles: 1054)