New Releases - Olive Tree Bible Software

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New Releases

For the Olive Tree Bible App



by Víctor Torres and Don Wilkerson

Fans of The Cross and the Switchblade will love Victor. It is the true story of Victor Torres, who moved with his family from their native Puerto Rico to Brooklyn, New York, in search of a better life. Their American dream, however, quickly faded into a nightmare when young Victor was introduced to gang life on the New York streets. Within a few years, teena… Read more…



by Víctor Torres and Don Wilkerson

A los fanáticos de La Cruz y el Puñal les encantará la historia Víctor. Víctor Torres y su familia se mudaron a Brooklyn, Nueva York desde su natal Puerto Rico, en busca de una mejor vida. El sueño americano se desvanece rápidamente en una pesadilla cuando Víctor, siendo aún un niño, es introducido a l… Read more…

Power Principles: The Benefits of a Wisdom-Driven Life

Power Principles: The Benefits of a Wisdom-Driven Life

by Dale Bronner

  “This book is packed with principles and insights for developing your full potential.” —From the foreword by John C. MaxwellA Wisdom PerspectiveThe best chance of real success in business, in government, in the family, in our personal goals—in any realm of life—is to develop a perspective that will enhance and expand upon… Read more…

Principios y Poder de la Sabiduría : Una guía para el éxito

Principios y Poder de la Sabiduría : Una guía para el éxito

by Dale Bronner

Se ha dicho que la diferencia principal entre ganadores y perdedores es su perspectiva. La mejor posibilidad de tener éxito en el negocio, en el gobierno, en la familia—en cualquier ámbito de la vida—es desarrollar una perspectiva que mejore la que ya traemos a la mesa. Esa perspectiva única es una perspectiva dirigida por la sabiduría. El em… Read more…

Poder de una Mente Transformada: Autoridad Personal, Empoderamiento para Influenciar y Fe Inmutable

Poder de una Mente Transformada: Autoridad Personal, Empoderamiento para Influenciar y Fe Inmutable

by Otoniel Font

El impacto de la salvación a través de Cristo trasciende más allá del ámbito espiritual. Implica mucho más que el arrepentimiento que los humanos confunden con remordimiento. El verdadero arrepentimiento y el crecimiento espiritual significan la transformación de la mente, la conducta, los estilos de vida y la vida entera. En esa tra… Read more…

Paradoja: El Dios que Rompe las Reglas

Paradoja: El Dios que Rompe las Reglas

by Sergio De La Mora

Todos conocen al Dios que sigue las reglas, y nos dice que las guardemos también. Pero la mayoría nunca ha conocido al Dios que rompe las reglas, y las rompe para acercarnos a Él. La religión necesita actualizar su entendimiento sobre Dios. Hemos definido a Dios y lo hemos encerrado en una caja, cuando es Dios quien quiere definir… Read more…

Paradox: The God Who Breaks the Rules

Paradox: The God Who Breaks the Rules

by Sergio De La Mora

Everyone knows the God who keeps the rules, and tells us to keep them, too. But most have never met the God who breaks the rules, and breaks them to bring us close. Religion needs an updated understanding of God. We have defined God and put Him in a box—when it is God who wants to define us. God is not satisfied with our living a limited life with… Read more…

Wandering and Wondering: The Process That Brings Purpose

Wandering and Wondering: The Process That Brings Purpose

by Randall Worley

Mark Twain once said, “The two greatest days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” But what happens when you know the why but can't figure out how to make it happen? It is this journey between the realization of your purpose and its actualization that Randall Worley calls process. Purpose, which answers why, c… Read more…

Right People, Right Place, Right Plan: Discerning the Voice of God

Right People, Right Place, Right Plan: Discerning the Voice of God

by Jentezen Franklin

Whom should I marry? What will I do with my life? Do I take this job? Should I invest money in this opportunity? God has bestowed an incredible gift in the heart of every believer. He has given you an internal compass to help guide your life, your family, your children, your finances, and much more. Jentezen Franklin reveals how, through the Holy Spirit, you… Read more…

Encuentro Divino con el Espíritu Santo

Encuentro Divino con el Espíritu Santo

by Guillermo Maldonado

 ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que tuvo un encuentro sobrenatural con el Espíritu Santo?  Todos los creyentes pueden tener poderosos encuentros divinos con el Espíritu, no como eventos aislados sino como un estilo de vida en el que: • El reino sobrenatural es su mayor realidad. • Jesús se vuelva real en ust… Read more…

Divine Encounter with the Holy Spirit

Divine Encounter with the Holy Spirit

by Guillermo Maldonado

When was the last time you had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit? All believers can have powerful divine encounters with the Spirit—not as isolated events but as a lifestyle in which…The supernatural realm is your greatest reality.Jesus becomes real in you.You are commissioned to demonstrate God’s miraculous power.You have a pr… Read more…

Drop the Stones: When Love Reaches the Unlovable

Drop the Stones: When Love Reaches the Unlovable

by Carlos A Rodríguez

When a woman caught in the act of adultery was thrown down at Jesus’ feet, the bloodthirsty crowd filled their hands with rocks and demanded she be put to death. That confrontation still reverberates in our lives today. Surely we can relate with the shame of the woman and her exposed sin. Unfortunately, we can also relate with the hypocritica… Read more…

(Number of titles: 1054)