New Releases - Olive Tree Bible Software

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New Releases

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Declare vida: Palabras que obran maravillas

Declare vida: Palabras que obran maravillas

by Don Gossett and E W Kenyon

Cuando usted esté en acuerdo con las maravillosas promesas dadas en la Palabra de Dios, comenzará a cosechar los dones de Dios de amor, gozo, paz, salud y favor. Cuando declara esas promesas en voz alta a las vidas de otros, sus palabras pueden obrar maravillas.   Ahora, E. W. Kenyon y Don Gossett unen fuerzas para edificar nuestra fe, ofreciend… Read more…

Manual sobre el bautismo en el Espíritu Santo

Manual sobre el bautismo en el Espíritu Santo

by Don Basham

Obtenga el poder de Dios Don Basham plantea útiles discusiones sobre los temas de recibir y ministrar el bautismo del Espíritu Santo. Ofrece sólidas respuestas basadas bíblicamente a muchas preguntas que se hacen frecuentemente sobre el tema, incluyendo:¿Qué es el bautismo en el Espíritu Santo?¿Cuál es… Read more…

30 Meditations on Jesus

30 Meditations on Jesus

by Marilyn Hickey and Sarah Bowling

“When Christians hear the word meditate, they frequently associate it with a difficult and time-consuming task. But it does not need to be drudgery. Rather, I have discovered that it adds a refreshing quality to my study of God’s Word. It is my desire for you to experience the life transformation that will take place as you apply these principles… Read more…

All the 2s of the Bible

All the 2s of the Bible

by Herbert Lockyer

A Wealth of Symbolism and Truth in Scriptural Pairings The lion and the lamb… Life and death… Loss and gain… A clean heart and a right spirit… Triumphs and tears… Grace and truth… Faith and works… These are just some of the pairings explored by legendary Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer in his study of twin conce… Read more…

60 cosas que Dios dijo sobre sexo

60 cosas que Dios dijo sobre sexo

by Lester Sumrall

En muchos programas de televisión, los personajes van de pareja en pareja, haciendo del sexo lo más importante de la relación varón-hembra. En muchas revistas, los temas que se anuncian están centrados en el sexo: buen sexo, mejor sexo, más sexo. Los programas de entretenimiento se enfocan en quién tiene sexo con quién. … Read more…

Faith: The Link with God's Power

Faith: The Link with God's Power

by Reinhard Bonnke

God’s Gift to All Believers Some believe that simply having faith is an entitlement to blessing and prosperity. Others believe that faith in oneself is all that is needed in life. Still others contend that faith is a cosmic force that breeds superhuman, super-spiritual, invincible power. It is none of these. Faith is not something requiring you to beli… Read more…

Herbert Lockyer's Major Themes of the New Testament

Herbert Lockyer's Major Themes of the New Testament

by Herbert Lockyer

Unlocking the Truths of ScriptureBest-selling author and legendary Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer identifies and explains nineteen major themes found in the New Testament. He explores and examines clearly some of the Bible’s most basic doctrines, such as:The atmosphere of prayerThe teaching of salvationThe wondrous crossThe features of judgmentThe s… Read more…

Spiritual Progress: Five Inspiring Essays by Mystical Thinkers of the 17th Century

Spiritual Progress: Five Inspiring Essays by Mystical Thinkers of the 17th Century

by Francois Fenelon, Madame Jeanne Guyon and Pere Lacombe

A collection of five inspiring essays by three closely linked mystical thinkers of the seventeenth century—François Fénelon, Madame Jeanne Guyon, and Père Lacombe—whose focus on the availability of intimacy with God made them scandalous in their day. "Christian Counsel" and "Spiritual Letters," by Archbishop Fénelon, o… Read more…

Christ of the 40 Days: Experiencing the Risen, Triumphant Lord

Christ of the 40 Days: Experiencing the Risen, Triumphant Lord

by A. B. Simpson

The heartbreaking events of Good Friday did not signal the end of Jesus Christ’s ministry to His disciples—far from it. His resurrection on Easter morning was the beginning of a unique and significant time in His ministry on earth. For the next forty days, until His glorious ascension to heaven, Jesus appeared many times to His followers. During … Read more…

How to Try a Spirit: Identify Evil Spirits and the Fruit They Manifest

How to Try a Spirit: Identify Evil Spirits and the Fruit They Manifest

by Mary Garrison

In order to walk in the truth and avoid being deceived by the worldly philosophies and satanic attacks, we must try the spirits, according to the mandate of 1 John 4:1, to see if they are of God. Many believers are aware of this command but do not know how to try the spirits. Where do they begin? If you are one of these people, do not fret. This book can hel… Read more…

Resucitado de la muerte: El milagro que lleva promesa al mundo

Resucitado de la muerte: El milagro que lleva promesa al mundo

by Reinhard Bonnke

¡Está respirando! En 1972, Reinhard Bonnke oyó un mensaje de Dios: “¡áfrica será salva!”. En obediencia, Bonnke se mudó a áfrica, donde su ministerio creció desde humildes raíces hasta cruzadas delante de más de un millón de personas cada noche. Su ministerio generó increíbles mila… Read more…

Awakening in Wales

Awakening in Wales

by Jessie Penn-Lewis

Watchman Nee called it the “greatest known revival in church history.” On October 31, 1904, Evan Roberts, a twenty-six-year-old former miner, returned home from a ministry training program, having quit his job at the urging of the Holy Spirit. That night, he joined sixteen other young people at a village chapel, and from that humble origin sprang… Read more…

(Number of titles: 1054)