New Releases - Olive Tree Bible Software

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New Releases

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Confessions of Saint Augustine

Confessions of Saint Augustine

by Saint Augustine

The Confessions of St. Augustine has a special place among the world’s greatest books. As Augustine reflects upon his life in the light of Scripture and the presence of God, he reveals how you can find the way to rest securely in Jesus, discern good from evil, avoid false spiritual pursuits, and know the will of God. He begins with his infanc… Read more…

Holy Spirit Power

Holy Spirit Power

by Charles H. Spurgeon

To know the Holy Spirit is to know Him as an ever-present, loving Friend and mighty Helper. From the Scriptures, Charles H. Spurgeon shows that the Holy Spirit wants to be our Comforter, Teacher, and mighty Advocate. The miraculous life the early Christians lived amazed the world and “turned it upside down.” Today, many are experiencing the same … Read more…

Maldiciones sin quebrantar: La fuente escondida de problemas en la vida cristiana

Maldiciones sin quebrantar: La fuente escondida de problemas en la vida cristiana

by Rebecca Brown and Daniel Yoder

¿Es usted una de las muchas víctimas de alguna maldicón sin quebrantar? Hoy día, innumerables cristianos en todo el mundo están llenos de una inexplicable pobreza, de calamidades y de una variedad de circunstancias adversas. Sus vidas están colmadas de pesares y frustraciones, mientras luchan de manera constante contra poderosas… Read more…

Autobiography of George Müller: You, Too, Can Experience Miraculous Answers to Prayer! (Receive God's Guidance and Provision Every Day)

Autobiography of George Müller: You, Too, Can Experience Miraculous Answers to Prayer! (Receive God's Guidance and Provision Every Day)

by George Muller

What can be accomplished in an ordinary man who trusts in an extraordinary God? George Müller discovered the endless possibilities! These excerpts from his diary allow Müller to tell his own story. Join him on his journey from a life of sin and rebellion to his glorious conversion. Share his struggles and triumphs as he establishes orphan homes to care for… Read more…

Unbroken Curses: Hidden Source of Trouble in the Christian's Life

Unbroken Curses: Hidden Source of Trouble in the Christian's Life

by Rebecca Brown and Daniel Yoder

Why Many Bad Things Happen to Good People...The Problem Are you one of the many victims of an unbroken curse? Today, countless Christians throughout the world are plagued by unexplained poverty, calamities, and a variety of adverse circumstances. Their lives are tragically filled with heartache and desperation as they continuously struggle against overpoweri… Read more…

God's Medicine Bottle: A Guide to Restoring Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

God's Medicine Bottle: A Guide to Restoring Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

by Derek Prince

The Great Physician has provided all believers with the ultimate prescription for excellent health. In God’s Medicine Bottle, you will discover how to:Find God’s prescription for youListen for His directionsRead the instructions carefullyFollow His guidelines exactlyAs you take the medicine as directed, you will find that God is true to His Word&… Read more…

How to Fast Successfully

How to Fast Successfully

by Derek Prince

Jesus did not say, “If you fast,” but rather, “When you fast.” As you read Derek Prince’s biblical teaching on fasting, you will discover answers to such questions as:Why should I fast?What happens during a fast?What are the rewards of fasting?How long should I fast?How should I break a fast?… Read more…

Essentials of Prayer

Essentials of Prayer

by E. M. Bounds

E. M. Bounds describes how every Christian can maintain a prayer life that produces significant results both personally and in the kingdom of God. He focuses on the proper mind-set believers must attain in order to have the best prayer life. He reminds readers that one must have a humble heart and undivided allegiance to God in order to pray effectively. He … Read more…

Fasting: The Key to Releasing God's Power in Your Life

Fasting: The Key to Releasing God's Power in Your Life

by Derek Prince

Fasting is an important key to successful Christian living. It is found throughout the Bible, yet it has been largely set aside by the church. Discover how to release the power of prayer and fasting in your life with this handbook by Derek Prince. In his clear, easily understood teaching style, he explains that this power is immeasurable when fasting is prac… Read more…

Cómo llegar a ser una vasija para honra

Cómo llegar a ser una vasija para honra

by Rebecca Brown

El poder para vencer a Satanás peude ser suyo… “El propósito de este libro es ayudarlo a entender el mundo del ocultismo, el cual amplía su influencia con gran rapidez, con la finalidad de que pueda usted evitar caer en sus trampas.” —Dra. Rebecca Brown Los temas que se abordan incluyen:La clave del poder espiritual: c… Read more…

Does Your Tongue Need Healing?

Does Your Tongue Need Healing?

by Derek Prince

Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Every Christian knows it is imperative to keep the tongue under control but, sooner or later, finds he cannot do so himself. Derek Prince provides clear, biblical steps to discipline the tongue so your words will be spoken for God’s glory and your blessing!… Read more…

revelación divina del infierno

revelación divina del infierno

by Mary K Baxter

¿Cielo o infierno? En Una revelación divina del infierno, durante un período de treinta noches, Dios le dio a Mary K. Baxter visiones del infierno y le encargó a las personas que aún viven en la tierra que rechazaran el pecado y la maldad, y que eligieran la vida en Cristo. La obra contiene un recuento del lugar y los seres… Read more…

(Number of titles: 1054)