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Revelation: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Revelation: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Michael Wilcock

What is the book of Revelation? Does it describe in veiled language events of its writer's own day, or is it largely a prophecy of events still to come? Is it a chart of the whole of history from Christ's first coming to his second? Or does it deal chiefly with principles which are always valid in Christian experience? And what is … Read more…

Sermon on the Mount: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Sermon on the Mount: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

"The followers of Jesus are to different," writes John Stott, "different from both the nominal church and the secular world, different from both the religious and the irreligious. The Sermon on the Mount is the most complete delineation anywhere in the New Testament of the Christian counter-culture. Here is a Christian value-system, ethical standard, religio… Read more…

Philippians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Philippians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by J. A. Motyer

The Apostle Paul was bound by prison chains when he wrote to the church at Philippi. Despite his loss of liberty, and opposition from fellow-workers, the letter radiates joy - joy that Christ was proclaimed, joy in fellowship with the Philippian Christians, and above all joy in Jesus himself. In Message of Philippians, Alec Motyer explores Paul's great t… Read more…

Matthew: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Matthew: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Michael Green

The Gospel according to Matthew is perhaps the most important single document of the New Testament, for in it we have the fullest and most systematic account of the birth, life, teaching, death and resurrection of the founder of Christianity, Jesus the Messiah. In The Message of Matthew, Michael Green shows how this very Jewish Gospel portrays the power and … Read more…

Colossians and Philemon: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Colossians and Philemon: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Dick Lucas

Fullness and freedom - two aspects of Christian life that we all want to share. Paul wrote about them at length (and depth) in his letter to the Christians at Colossae, where certain new teachers were proclaiming that 'mere Christianity' is not enough. There is, they suggested, a fuller experience, a greater liberation, than they had so far enjoyed. … Read more…

Mark: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Mark: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Donald English

At first sight the Gospel of Mark is a simple account of the ministry of Jesus with lots of stories, plenty of action, a large amount of human interest, and some very straight and searching questions, mostly from Jesus himself. Yet underlying the Gospel is the cross and the cost of discipleship, focusing the question of who Jesus was, and … Read more…

Thessalonians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Thessalonians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

How can two brief letters to a church in first-century Macedonia speak to us today? John Stott believes that Paul's letters to the Christians in Thessalonica offer three main guidelines to churches at the beginning of the twenty-first century; a model for ministry, as Paul's self-giving, prayerful love for the church challenges Chr… Read more…

Luke: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Luke: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Michael Wilcock

Luke the Physician was fascinated by people - rich and poor, Jews and Gentiles, men and women, rulers and slaves. In his Gospel he delights to portray Jesus as the Saviour not of an elite group but of any one, in any condition, who turns to him. Jesus is indeed the Saviour of the world. Luke knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote his… Read more…

1 Timothy and Titus: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

1 Timothy and Titus: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

The Apostle's overriding preoccupation throughout his Pastoral Letters is with the truth - that it may be faithfully guarded and handed on. John Stott is at pains to convey Paul's passionate concern for the future of the gospel, and for younger pastors charged with its care. Paul's concern is pertinent today. Contemporary cultu… Read more…

John: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

John: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Bruce Milne

John's Gospel has had an incalculable impact on human history. Its pages contain a moral and spiritual potency which, over the centuries, has transformed communities, brought about political change and remade human character on a scale without precedent. The power remains in the Gospel today. At its centre, as at the centre of his expo… Read more…

2 Timothy: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

2 Timothy: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

John Stott writes, 'During the gestation of this book I seem to have lived inside the second letter of Paul to Timothy. In imagination I have sat down beside Timothy and have tried myself to hear and heed this final charge from the aging apostle ... 'On each occasion I have been impressed afresh by the timeliness for today of what … Read more…

Acts: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Acts: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

The Book of Acts, John Stott believes, is important not only for its vivid historical record. It is also vital for the inspiration which it brings to us now. Today's church can seek to recapture something of the early confidence, enthusiasm, vision and power of the church of the first century. Despite all its imperfections and troubles, the young church … Read more…

(Number of titles: 2159)