Other Commentaries - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Other Commentaries

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Mentor Commentary: 1 & 2 Chronicles (MOT)

Mentor Commentary: 1 & 2 Chronicles (MOT)

by Richard L Pratt

The book of Chronicles (1&2) is one of the most neglected portions of Scripture. Many find its complex history unfamiliar and assume that it is irrelevant for contemporary life. To grasp the significance of Chronicles for our times, we must first understand its original meaning. It was written to encourage the Jews to be faithful to God (a… Read more…

Mentor Commentary: Amos (MOT)

Mentor Commentary: Amos (MOT)

by Gary V. Smith

The book of Amos is full of wordplays, double entendres, pictorial visions, and direct statements of fact and judgement. Smith's job is to address the historical, stylistic and interpretative aspects of Amos; not just what is written, but also how and why the prophecies are recorded. Each chapter ends with him drawing together the interpretative threads … Read more…

Mentor Commentary: Psalms 1-72 (MOT)

Mentor Commentary: Psalms 1-72 (MOT)

by Allan Harman

The Psalms contain the praises of the people. This is the people of Israel's creed. But more than that, they display historical accounts which demonstrate how the people are to put their trust in God. They display the character of God who is majestic, compassionate and our Creator God. Mentor Commentaries retains a high view of Scriptu… Read more…

Mentor Commentary: Galatians (MNT)

Mentor Commentary: Galatians (MNT)

by David McWilliams

While Dr. McWilliams' exposition of Galatians keeps in mind the various mis-characterizations of Paul's epistle that have become dominant his purpose is not primarily polemical. The author sees Paul's paramount concern to be acceptance with God through the work of Christ. McWilliams affirms "everywhere in every way Paul's concern is with the … Read more…

Mentor Commentary: Joel & Obadiah (MOT)

Mentor Commentary: Joel & Obadiah (MOT)

by Irvin Busenitz

In this book you discover the theme of Joel: The day of Yahweh. You will also discover more about one to whom the day belongs to - Yahweh. The people were facing devastating calamity and Joel calls the society to repent in order that they might escape this judgment and once again enjoy mercy and favour of Yahweh. Obadiah also focuses on th… Read more…

Mentor Commentary: Philippians (MNT)

Mentor Commentary: Philippians (MNT)

by Matthew Harmon

Christians throughout the centuries have loved Paul's letter to the Philippians for its call to rejoice in the gospel of Jesus Christ regardless of life's circumstances. But our familiarity with the letter can cause us to neglect or overlook Paul's message to the Philippians. Dr. Matthew Harmon in this uplifting and inspiring work brings context … Read more…

Mentor Commentary: Leviticus (MOT)

Mentor Commentary: Leviticus (MOT)

by Robert I Vasholz

Leviticus received its English title from the Greek Levitikon, which means pertaining to Levites. Probably Jewish scribes [who called Leviticus the Priest’s Manual] influenced the title in the Tannaitic Period (200 B.C. – 200 A.D.). While the title is appropriate for certain sections, it fails to point out that most of the book is directed to all the peo… Read more…

Church's Bible: Song of Songs

Church's Bible: Song of Songs

by Richard A Norris Jr

The Song of Songs, traditionally attributed to Solomon, is a collection of lyrics that celebrate in earthly terms the love of a bridegroom and a bride. Throughout the course of early Christian history, the Song of Songs was widely read as an allegory of the love of Christ both for the church and for its individual members. In reading the Song this way, Chris… Read more…

Church's Bible: Romans

Church's Bible: Romans

by J. Patout Burns

The Church's Bible series serves to bring the rich classical tradition of biblical interpretation to life. Compiled, translated, and edited by leading scholars, these volumes draw extensively from early and medieval commentators, illuminating Holy Scripture as it was understood during the first millennium of Christian history. Designed for clergy, Bible … Read more…

Church's Bible: Matthew

Church's Bible: Matthew

by D. H. Williams

The Church’s Bible series brings the rich classical tradition of biblical interpretation to life, illuminating Scripture as it was understood during the first millennium of Christian history. Compiled, translated, and edited by leading scholars, these volumes lead contemporary clergy, Bible teachers, and students of Scripture into the inexhaustible spiritu… Read more…

Church's Bible: John

Church's Bible: John

by Bryan A Stewart and Michael A Thomas

This Church’s Bible volume on the Gospel of John contains carefully selected and translated homilies and commentaries from such church fathers as Cyril of Alexandria, Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory the Great, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Augustine, Athanasius, and the Venerable Bede. Ranging chronologically from the second century to the ninth, these substantial p… Read more…

Church's Bible: 1 Corinthians

Church's Bible: 1 Corinthians

by Judith L Kovacs

Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, one of the earliest Christian writings, had enormous influence on the formation of Christian teaching. In this Church's Bible volume Judith L. Kovacs weaves comments from all the commentaries and sermon series written in Latin or Greek between the years 250 and 800, illustrating the historic Christian understan… Read more…

(Number of titles: 2159)