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Welwyn Commentary Series - Ezra Nehemiah - Doing A Great Work

Welwyn Commentary Series - Ezra Nehemiah - Doing A Great Work

by Stan Evers

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah continue the story of God's people after the exile in Babylon. The historical events recorded in them are important for us because they were all part of God's plan to prepare the way for the coming of the Saviour and preserve a pure people for the setting up of Christ's kingdom. In an age of experienced-cen… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 Kings - From Glory To Ruin

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 Kings - From Glory To Ruin

by Roger Ellsworth

1 Kings traces the history of God's people from the heights of glory and prosperity during the reign of Solomon to the dark days of Elijah's lone stand on Mount Carmel. But it is not only a story about human failure. It is also a book about God's sovereign purpose, which cannot be thwarted and defeated by human disobedience.… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 Chronicles - A Family Tree

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 Chronicles - A Family Tree

by A Stewart

The book of Chronicles is an important part of the Old Testament. Originally written as one book, 1 and 2 Chronicles summarize, not only the history of God's people from the creation of the world until the edict of Cyrus in 538 B.C., but also the theology of the Old Testament - the revelation that God gave of himself at creation, to the patriarchs, throu… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Romans - The Gospel as it Really Is

Welwyn Commentary Series - Romans - The Gospel as it Really Is

by Stuart Olyott

Perhaps no other part of Scripture has had as profound an influence on the story of the Christian church as Paul’s epistle to the Romans. Luther said of Romans, ‘It can never be read or considered too much or too well, and the more it is handled, the more delightful it becomes and the better it tastes.’ This epistle is not a document… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Revelation - The Lamb Is All The Glory

Welwyn Commentary Series - Revelation - The Lamb Is All The Glory

by Richard Brooks

The book of Revelation is the glorious culmination of Scripture. Everything focuses on the one who is the Lord of glory — Jesus Christ. As Joel Beeke observes, 'Richard Brooks comes afresh to the message of Revelation with a warm, pastoral exposition that feeds the hearts as well as the mind of the reader. This volume is practical, clearly written, and… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Jude - Slandering The Angels

Welwyn Commentary Series - Jude - Slandering The Angels

by John Benton

In a society where the claim that we can know absolute truth is dismissed as ridiculous, and moral standards are disregarded if they interfere with personal enjoyment, the church is under threat in two ways. Tired of swimming against the tide, it can be tempted to throw away its commitment to biblical standards of behavior and to the uniqueness of Christ as … Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - James Practice Makes Perfect

Welwyn Commentary Series - James Practice Makes Perfect

by Tony Bird

The book of James is one of the most practical books in the New Testament. It is filled with advice about facing the trials of life, coping with poverty, the desire to be rich, controlling the tongue, making plans for the future and much more. Raise the bar on your Christian life! The author shows that reading James ought to drive us to contemplate afresh th… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - James - The Practical Christian

Welwyn Commentary Series - James - The Practical Christian

by Gordon J. Keddie

James' epistle is a manual for practical godliness, instructing us to put our faith into action in the real world. Guides us to apply James' message to our hearts and lives. Everything is here: facing trials, blaming God for misfortunes, snobbery, sharp tongues, faith and works, squabbling churches, worldliness, use of money and so on: there is a wor… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Habakkuk - The Expectant Prophet

Welwyn Commentary Series - Habakkuk - The Expectant Prophet

by John D. Currid

The days in which Habakkuk preached were a dark time for the church in the Old Testament. God's people were suffering at the hands of others in the community, and the law of God was being sidelined in society. It was about to get worse! Why would God allow this? The author shows how Habakkuk teaches the sovereignty of God in a way not found in any other … Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Esther - Unspoken Lessons About The Unseen God

Welwyn Commentary Series - Esther - Unspoken Lessons About The Unseen God

by Derek Prime

When it seems that God is not active in human affairs, he may be most at work. He may be most present when he seems most hidden. Nowhere is this more clearly illustrated than in the book of Esther. Although God’s name is not mentioned in the book, the discerning reader may see the hand of God at work throughout the narrative, as he brings his purposes to p… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Ephesians Alive In Christ

Welwyn Commentary Series - Ephesians Alive In Christ

by Stuart Olyott

Ephesians is powerful spiritual fuel for every believer! Beginning with the great, heart-warming teaching of the opening chapters, Paul presents the riches the Christian has in the Lord Jesus Christ.Here are inexhaustible ‘heights of love and depths of peace.’ But in addition to rich doctrine this letter has an immensely practical dimension. If you want … Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Ecclesiastes - A Quest for Meaning

Welwyn Commentary Series - Ecclesiastes - A Quest for Meaning

by John D. Currid

The latest addition to the Welwyn Commentary series has leading Old Testament scholar and series editor John D Currid bring a fresh approach to a book that seems to draw a lot of comment of the the wrong kind. In his Introduction he says: There is no book in the Old Testament that is as maligned and criticized as the book of Ecclesiastes. … Read more…

(Number of titles: 2159)