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Welwyn Commentary Series - Amos - The Lord Is His Name

Welwyn Commentary Series - Amos - The Lord Is His Name

by Gordon J. Keddie

The message of Amos is pre-eminently a message of new life. The message, however, comes in the context of a nation under judgement. Israel hid the emptiness and godlessness of a corrupt society behind an apathetic and nominal outward religion, like so many today.God’s view of our society is revealed in Amos in no uncertain terms. While no refuge is offered… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 & 2 Thessalonians - Patience Of Hope

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 & 2 Thessalonians - Patience Of Hope

by Philip J. Arthur

The book of Chronicles is an important part of the Old Testament. Originally written as one book, 1 and 2 Chronicles summarize, not only the history of God's people from the creation of the world until the edict of Cyrus in 538 B.C., but also the theology of the Old Testament - the revelation that God gave of himself at creation, to the patriarchs, throu… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Exodus - Travelling Homeward

Welwyn Commentary Series - Exodus - Travelling Homeward

by Michael Bentley

Exodus is the account of God’s miraculous rescue of his people from Egypt, the institution of Israel’s greatest festival, the Passover, the provision of God’s law and the building of the tabernacle, which was the forerunner of the temple - all looking forward to future fulfilment in Christ. Michael Bentley takes us on this journey wi… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Daniel - Dare To Stand Alone

Welwyn Commentary Series - Daniel - Dare To Stand Alone

by Stuart Olyott

The book of Daniel is full of practical help – especially for believers who find themselves standing alone in the classroom or at work, or among their family and friends. Daniel tells us how to remain true to God in a hostile environment, and shows us how to live for him when everything is against us. Daniel dared to stand alone. So can we. &… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1, 2 & 3 John - Knowing Where We Stand

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1, 2 & 3 John - Knowing Where We Stand

by Peter Barnes

Assurance is not essential to salvation, but it is essential to the joy of salvation’ as Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said. John, who was by this time probably the last surviving apostle, wrote his first epistle to those who believed in the name of the Son of God in order that they might know that they possessed eternal life. In these days… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 & 2 Peter - Living For Christ In A Pagan World

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 & 2 Peter - Living For Christ In A Pagan World

by Michael Bentley

The people to whom Peter wrote his first epistle were already undergoing trials of all kinds and were soon to face fierce persecution for their faith at the hands of the cruel Emperor Nero. The apostle writes to encourage and strengthen them in the face of these trials and to remind them of the wonderful blessings and privileges they have in Christ. He has a… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Zephaniah - Coming Of The Warrior King

Welwyn Commentary Series - Zephaniah - Coming Of The Warrior King

by Daniel Webber

One of the greatest needs of the modern church is to know God and to know him better. We need a knowledge of God that not only stimulates the mind, but moves the heart to worship and the will to obey. The most clear and certain source of such knowledge is, of course, to be found in the Bible. The books of both its Old and New Testaments furnish us with the k… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Song Of Solomon Heavenly Love

Welwyn Commentary Series - Song Of Solomon Heavenly Love

by Gary Brady

Gary Brady takes the view that the Biblical author had in mind both a natural and spiritual understanding, and that those who originally received the book as Scripture understood it both in terms of human love and intimacy and as a portrait of the loving relationship between God and his people. How desperately people today need to learn in both these areas.&… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Psalms Vol 2

Welwyn Commentary Series - Psalms Vol 2

by Philip Eveson

In Psalms Volume 2, Philip Eveson brings his skills as an Old Testament scholar, blended with a warm pastor’s heart to produce a work that will serve the student, the preacher/teacher and the devotional reader equally well. 'As in his commentary on Genesis, Philip Eveson has done a superb work in his two-volume Commentary on the Psal… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Judges Ruth Even In Darkness

Welwyn Commentary Series - Judges Ruth Even In Darkness

by Gordon J. Keddie

The period of the Judges was an evil one, requiring hard words for hard times. The people of Israel had rejected their God for the desire of an earthly ruler, and had rebelled against his laws. Yet even in this time of unbelief and hypocrisy, God raised up men and women to call his people back to a personal faith in the living God. The aut… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Galatians Free In Christ

Welwyn Commentary Series - Galatians Free In Christ

by Edgar Andrews

Paul's epistle to the Galatians can be summarized by one simple question: what is the gospel? What is the real gospel, as opposed to false gospels or (to use Paul's own terminology) perverted gospels? This commentary presents a clear, concise and practical exposition of the apostle Paul's great letter. Dr. Andrews addresses the massive issues of … Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon A Life Worth Living

Welwyn Commentary Series - Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon A Life Worth Living

by Stuart Olyott

Has life really any meaning? Our time in this world is comparatively short. The earthly stage remains, but different actors are constantly passing across it. Generations come and go, but nothing is ultimately different. This is how many people see life, and Solomon identifies with them. But is life really pointless? If not, what is its tru… Read more…

(Number of titles: 2159)