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Welwyn Commentary Series - Colossians & Philemon - Christ All Sufficient

Welwyn Commentary Series - Colossians & Philemon - Christ All Sufficient

by Philip J. Arthur

Phil Arthur reminds us that there was a problem with the church in Colosse, prompting Paul to write. It seemed there was a real danger that an impressionable young church might be dragged away from their devotion to Christ. Worryingly, as today, there were those who were influenced by false teaching. The letter to Philemon was personal - he was a member of t… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - 2 Samuel - The Triumph Of The King

Welwyn Commentary Series - 2 Samuel - The Triumph Of The King

by Gordon J. Keddie

Gordon Keddie draws out the lessons of 2 Samuel in this Welwyn Commentary, and encourages us to look expectantly for the blessing of God in our day since the story of David is a picture of David’s royal Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. As the author says in the introduction, 'May your study of 2 Samuel bring you closer to the only Redeemer of God's elec… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - 2 Corinthians - Strength In Weakness

Welwyn Commentary Series - 2 Corinthians - Strength In Weakness

by Philip J. Arthur

2 Corinthians provides a compelling portrait of the Apostle Paul - his soul is bared and his readers are given a glimpse of his inner life. We are enabled to see what made him tick and what were the motives and attitudes that moulded his life of service for Christ. Amongst other things, the author suggests that this letter is for Christians who want to stand… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 Samuel Dawn Of The Kingdom

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 Samuel Dawn Of The Kingdom

by Gordon J. Keddie

The true consequences of rebellion against the Lord are shown. There is no glamour in the Bible's representation of sin. Saul clings to his sins and perishes. But the gospel shines through too. Samuel and David cleave to the Lord and are clothed with robes of redemption. The reader is pointed to the victory of Christ, the true King of whom David is only … Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 Corinthians - Strengthening Christ's Church

Welwyn Commentary Series - 1 Corinthians - Strengthening Christ's Church

by Roger Ellsworth

The future of the Christian cause depends to a large degree on the quality of the next generation of spiritual leaders. Where will these men find role models? To whom will they turn for inspiration? There is the ever-present danger that they will do as Paul's rivals did in Corinth and turn to the world outside the Church and try to emulate the qualities … Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Leviticus - The Beauty Of Holiness

Welwyn Commentary Series - Leviticus - The Beauty Of Holiness

by Philip Eveson

Leviticus tells us what is true and of eternal benefit for our lives. Here is a book to make us wise about salvation. The things that happened to Israel in the Old Testament are symbolic pointers to the wonderful salvation we have begun to enjoy in Christ. Like Israel of old, we need to be constantly reminded of who God is, how he is to be approached and wor… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Psalms Vol 1

Welwyn Commentary Series - Psalms Vol 1

by Philip Eveson

The Psalms continue to have an enormous influence on people’s lives all round the world and down the centuries they have brought comfort and encouragement to countless millions of people. Dag Hammarskjold, the second Secretary-General of the United Nations, died in a plane crash in 1961. His briefcase was recovered from the crash site an… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Luke Saving a Fallen World

Welwyn Commentary Series - Luke Saving a Fallen World

by Michael Bentley

More than any of the other Gospel writers, Luke shows us the Lord dealing with individual people and how their lives were changed as a result of their personal encounter with him. These people came from all ranks of society: the rugged fisherman, the poor widow, the wealthy tax collector, the ruler of the synagogue, the Roman centurion. As the only New Testa… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Job The Storm Breaks

Welwyn Commentary Series - Job The Storm Breaks

by Derek Thomas

The book of Job is the harrowing story of a man whose life changed so dramatically in the course of a few short days. It is about the problem of suffering; and the answer to the problem is not seen in the comments of Job’s counsellors but more importantly in his response to suffering. The book of Job teaches us how to respond to difficulties in our lives.&… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - 2 Chronicles - A House Of Prayer

Welwyn Commentary Series - 2 Chronicles - A House Of Prayer

by A Stewart

A readable commentary, with good illustrations and applications, linking well with the New Testament, especially in its pointing towards Christ. Originally written as one book, 1 and 2 Chronicles summarize, not only the history of God's people from the creation of the world until the edict of Cyrus in 538 B.C., but also the theology of the Old Testament … Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Genesis The Book Of Origins

Welwyn Commentary Series - Genesis The Book Of Origins

by Philip Eveson

As its name implies, Genesis is a book of origins. In it we are told of the origin of the universe, the beginnings of the human race and the birth of the Israelite nation. But it is more than an early record of origins. It is part of God’s Word to us, what the apostle Paul calls ‘God-breathed’ Scripture. Philip Eveson deals with all the vital themes of… Read more…

Welwyn Commentary Series - Matthew - The King & His Kingdom

Welwyn Commentary Series - Matthew - The King & His Kingdom

by John D. Legg

According to Christ himself, the Christian’s priority must be to seek the kingdom of God. The aim of Matthew’s Gospel, and therefore of this commentary is to be both Christ-centred and practical. Its focus is the King and his kingdom. The structure of this commentary is based on the five lengthy discourses each of which deals with an a… Read more…

(Number of titles: 2159)