Available for mobile reading for the first time, this is a collection of over 1200 of John Piper's sermons, dating from 1980 to the present and covering a wide variety of topics and occasions. This collection is made available through Desiring God: God-centered resources from the ministry of John Piper.
Enhanced to work in the "Sermon" section of the Resource Guide, this sermon collection can also be searched easily using the Table of Contents, so you can always find a topic that interests you, or a meditation that will speak to your condition. Sermons can be browsed in the following categories:
- By title: search an alphabetical listing for particular titles.
- By topic: choose from theological topics such as original sin and justification, contemporary issues such as homosexuality and racial harmony, church practices such as baptism and worship, and many, many more.
- By occasion: including church holidays, like Advent or Easter, or personal occasions, such as "Disaster."
- By sermon series: such as "A Hunger for God", "The Beatitudes", and many more.
- By scripture: choose a sermon based on the text it references, from almost every book of the Bible.
- By date: from 1980 to 2011.
John Piper, pastor for Preaching and Vision at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and founder of Desiring God Ministries, is a respected theologian and author. He is the author of many books, which have sold more than two million copies collectively.