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Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms - Psalms vol. 3
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iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, and Windows.
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The Resource Guide is the most powerful feature in the Olive Tree Bible App. As you read your Bible in the main window, the Resource Guide follows along and displays relevant Bible study information from your study notes, commentaries, maps and more.
Gain knowledge on any passage of the Bible, exactly when you need it. The Resource Guide will let you know when information in this title is relevant to anything in the main window. It will also track along with you as you read through the Bible.
This is so much more than a traditional dictionary. While you're reading the Bible, the Resource Guide will pull up articles from this dictionary. You can also select words in the text and tap "Look Up" to access relevant information in a pop-up window.
Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.
Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms - Psalms vol. 3
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: Baker
Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms - Psalms vol. 3
Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms - Psalms vol. 3
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: Baker
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Available for:
iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, and Windows.
Click on a feature to learn more.
The Resource Guide is the most powerful feature in the Olive Tree Bible App. As you read your Bible in the main window, the Resource Guide follows along and displays relevant Bible study information from your study notes, commentaries, maps and more.
Gain knowledge on any passage of the Bible, exactly when you need it. The Resource Guide will let you know when information in this title is relevant to anything in the main window. It will also track along with you as you read through the Bible.
This is so much more than a traditional dictionary. While you're reading the Bible, the Resource Guide will pull up articles from this dictionary. You can also select words in the text and tap "Look Up" to access relevant information in a pop-up window.
Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.

In this third and final volume of his commentary on the book of Psalms in the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms series, Old Testament scholar John Goldingay provides fresh insights on Psalms 90-150. He considers the literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions of the text as well as its theological implications.

The Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms series is tailored to the distinctives of poetry and Wisdom literature. Features include

  • Emphasis on the message of the biblical book
  • Special attention to poetic structure and literary devices
  • Incisive comments based on the author's translation of the Hebrew text
  • Exegetical rigor, incorporating linguistic, historical, and canonical insights
  • Closing reflections on each section that explore the text's theological dimensions
  • Textual notes highlighting important features of the Hebrew text
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Available for:
iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, and Windows.
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