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John Phillips Commentary Series - Exploring 1 & 2 Thessalonians
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The Resource Guide is the most powerful feature in the Olive Tree Bible App. As you read your Bible in the main window, the Resource Guide follows along and displays relevant Bible study information from your study notes, commentaries, maps and more.
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John Phillips Commentary Series - Exploring 1 & 2 Thessalonians
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: Kregel
John Phillips Commentary Series - Exploring 1 & 2 Thessalonians
John Phillips Commentary Series - Exploring 1 & 2 Thessalonians
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: Kregel
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iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, and Windows.
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The Resource Guide is the most powerful feature in the Olive Tree Bible App. As you read your Bible in the main window, the Resource Guide follows along and displays relevant Bible study information from your study notes, commentaries, maps and more.
Gain knowledge on any passage of the Bible, exactly when you need it. The Resource Guide will let you know when information in this title is relevant to anything in the main window. It will also track along with you as you read through the Bible.
Get a feel for how books of the Bible are laid out and how your commentaries will be structured. You can also access these from the Resource Guide when it's applicable to the passage you're reading, providing additional context.
Quickly find information about a book of the Bible, its author, date, audience, purpose, and other topics. If you have an introduction to the book of the Bible you're currently reading, the Resource Guide will make it easily accessible for you.
Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.
Greek religion was an obscene collection of old wives' fables, utterly degenerate and debilitating to national character. Just the same, although Paul deplored Greek morals, he admired the Greek mind. When he received the "Macedonian call," he wasted no time in launching his gospel expedition.

Three of Paul's letters were addressed to cities in Macedonia. Two of them, both addressed to the Thessalonians, rank among the earliest products of his pen. Alexander the Great had brought Hellenism to the East; Paul brought the gospel to the West. The two Thessalonian epistles share a common theme - the second coming of Christ. The first Thessalonian letter emphasizes the rapture of the church; the second letter emphasizes the rupture of the world. Both letters are tremendously relevant to the perilous times in which we live. Dive deep into the Thessalonian letters with master Bible teacher John Phillips.

The John Phillips Commentary Series is designed to provide pastors, Sunday school teachers, and students of the Scripture with doctrinally sound interpretation that emphasizes the practical application of Bible truth. Working from the familiar King James Version, Dr. Phillips not only provides helpful commentary on the text, but also includes detailed outlines and numerous illustrations and quotations. Anyone wanting to explore the meaning of God's Word in greater depth - for personal spiritual growth or as a resource for preaching and teaching - will welcome the guidance and insights of this respected series.

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John Phillips (1927-2010) served as assistant director of the Moody Correspondence School as well as director of the Emmaus Correspondence School, one of the world's largest Bible correspondence ministries. He also taught in the Moody Evening School and on the Moody Broadcasting radio network.
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iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, and Windows.
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