We can easily get discouraged about the state of our churches, but God’s people have been struggling with teaching that departs from the gospel of Jesus Christ from the very infancy of the church. Worried about false teachers in the church? Jesus’s brother was too. What would Jude say to you today? Do you have questions about deliverance ministries, prosperity teaching, and anointed men of God? The book of Jude, written by Jesus’s half-brother, called the church of his day to defend the gospel once for all delivered to God’s people at a time when false teaching had crept into the early NT church. Today, Jude’s message offers powerful solutions for addressing false teaching in our churches, just as it did in his day. This book is a timely wake-up call about what is happening in many of our churches today. It will equip you to defend our timeless faith. In the midst of counterfeits, rediscover the refreshing truths of God’s Word, and the glorious, life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ.