When you're desperate for help with your hurting relationships, here's a book with a different approach. It takes what the Bible has to say about relationships and applies those healing truths to your life and your friendships.
It will help you identify and get rid of problems that seperate you from others and keep you from enjoying satisfying, Christ-centered relationships. Practical suggestions show you how to stop feeling bitter and resentful and help you to listen more effectively, become more patient, and share in the joy of others. Christ's love can flow unhindered through your life.
Counselor James P. Hilt has helped hundreds of people who wanted more healthy, happy personal relationships. His insight into Scripture and his counseling experience are now offered to you in a practical, easy-to-understand book.
You can have a better relationship with anybody—God, your children, your spouse, friends, other Christians! The answers are found in Scripture. How to Have a Better Relationship with Anybody will help you find them—and use them.