Have you ever wanted to study the gospels and the life of Jesus chronologically and in the original language? You can do this with the Olive Tree Harmony of the Gospels - Byzantine Greek New Testament with Parsings. This unique harmony allows you to read the gospels in chronological order with parallel accounts viewable side-by-side for easy comparison. Divided into over 250 events in the life of Christ, the chronology is primarily ordered based on Mark and Luke's gospels with Matthew and John's accounts harmonizing with them, creating a seamless reading experience. A full index of the titles and passages is included at the end for a quick overview of the harmony.
Bringing the Byzantine Greek New Testament with Parsings to the family of Olive Tree Harmony of the Gospel products, this edition presents the harmonized Gospels in the Byzantine textual tradition and includes parsing data and Strong's tagging based on the work of Dr. Maurice Robinson. Users need only to tap on a word and view the parsing and the corresponding Strong's number, and can then quickly access definitions in the Olive Tree Strong's Dictionary.
The Byzantine text-type is the most widely attested textual recension among ancient manuscripts. However, it is not as widely relied on by modern critical editions such as the UBS4 or NA28 since many of the oldest manuscripts follow the Alexandrian textual tradition instead. Nevertheless, the Byzantine text is still of great interest to both students and scholars, as it presents a widely-used traditional text of the Greek New Testament. It is the basis of the Textus Receptus, which, in turn, is the basis of the King James Version, the Luther Bible, the Dutch Statenvertaling, and virtually all other translations up until the 20th century. Bringing together the Byzantine textual tradition into a harmonized Gospel account will give the user a unique perspective while exploring the events of Jesus' life.
The Olive Tree Harmony of the Gospels is a harmony built with the mobile experience in mind. When viewed in a horizontal layout on a larger device like a tablet you can view all (4) columns side-by-side. The side-by-side view scales down to a two or single column view as the horizontal viewable area gets smaller, or when the Resource Guide is opened.
Note: This resource is best viewed using up/down (flick) scrolling.