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Sin and the Fall
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iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac and Windows running app version 7.3 and above.
Sin and the Fall
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: christianaudio
Sin and the Fall
Sin and the Fall
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: christianaudio
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iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac and Windows running app version 7.3 and above.

A pastor traces the extent and effects of sin in the world and draws readers to the Bible's teaching on sin and the fall. A quick glance at a newspaper will indicate that all is not right in the world. Where did hatred, death, and suffering come from? Why do we lie, cheat, and steal, and why does all this seem to be an unending cycle? Nothing is more important in understanding the human condition than to recognize the presence of sin in the world. In this new booklet from the Gospel Coalition, Reddit Andrews lays out the Bible's teaching on sin and the fall. He notes that we were not always this way, and that sin is something foreign to God's original design for creation. By defining sin and exploring its effects, Andrews shows readers that sin is absolutely pervasive, is completely universal, and leads to death. Sin and the Fall offers a thoughtful explanation for point 4 of the Gospel Coalition's Confessional Statement. The coalition is an evangelical renewal movement dedicated to a Scripture-based reformation of ministry practices.

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iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac and Windows running app version 7.3 and above.
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