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New Studies in Biblical Theology Collection
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iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.10 and above, or Mac app version 6.10 and above.
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The Resource Guide is the most powerful feature in the Olive Tree Bible App. As you read your Bible in the main window, the Resource Guide follows along and displays relevant Bible study information from your study notes, commentaries, maps and more.
Gain knowledge on any passage of the Bible, exactly when you need it. The Resource Guide will let you know when information in this title is relevant to anything in the main window. It will also track along with you as you read through the Bible.
Wondering where that ancient Israelite city is located that you just read about? Check out the map the Resource Guide will find for you, zooming-in or making it full-screen - or both.
Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.
New Studies in Biblical Theology Collection (59 Vols.)
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Author: D. A. Carson
Publisher: Intervarsity Press (IVP) - UK
New Studies in Biblical Theology Collection
New Studies in Biblical Theology Collection (59 Vols.)
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Author: D. A. Carson
Publisher: Intervarsity Press (IVP) - UK
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Available for:
iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.10 and above, or Mac app version 6.10 and above.
Click on a feature to learn more.
The Resource Guide is the most powerful feature in the Olive Tree Bible App. As you read your Bible in the main window, the Resource Guide follows along and displays relevant Bible study information from your study notes, commentaries, maps and more.
Gain knowledge on any passage of the Bible, exactly when you need it. The Resource Guide will let you know when information in this title is relevant to anything in the main window. It will also track along with you as you read through the Bible.
Wondering where that ancient Israelite city is located that you just read about? Check out the map the Resource Guide will find for you, zooming-in or making it full-screen - or both.
Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.

Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprised by New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

New Studies in Biblical Theology volumes focus on three areas:

  • the nature and status of biblical theology, including its relationship to other disciplines
  • the articulation and exposition of the structure of thought from a particular biblical writer or text
  • the delineation of a biblical theme across the biblical corpus

While volume notes interact with the best of recent research, the text of each work avoids untransliterated Greek and Hebrew or too much specialist jargon. The volumes are written within the framework of confessional evangelicalism, but they also engage a variety of other relevant viewpoints and significant literature.

"This series in InterVarsity Press, New Studies in Biblical Theology, edited by D.A. Carson, offers a wealth of serious theological engagement and biblical faithfulness, and displays some of the best biblical theology in this generation. I secure and seek quickly to read every volume that comes out in this series." R. Albert Mohler, Preaching, Spring 2017
D. A. Carson (PhD, Cambridge University) is research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, where he has taught since 1978. He is co-founder (with Tim Keller) of the Gospel Coalition, and has written or edited nearly 60 books. He has served as a pastor and is an active guest lecturer in church and academic settings around the world.
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Available for:
iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.10 and above, or Mac app version 6.10 and above.
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