Amid the pluralism and secularism of Western culture, Christian apologetics has experienced a renewal of interest. In Apologetics at the Cross, Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen provide an introduction to the field, acquainting students and lay learners with the rich history, biblical foundation, and ongoing relevance of apologetics.
This very special text & audio collection from Olive Tree will provide you with a study experience that engages your senses - both seeing and hearing - to reinforce your ability to absorb and retain the information. While reading the Apologetics at the Cross text, listen to the included high quality college-level lectures given by professors Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen, providing an undergraduate-level introduction to the field, acquainting formal students and lay learners with the rich history and ongoing relevance of apologetics. Conversational and accessible, Apologetics at the Cross: Audio Lectures provides a classroom-level introduction to the field of apologetics. Listeners will be informed and equipped for engaging disbelief with the best in Christian thought.
Unique in its approach, Apologetics at the Cross presents the biblical and historical foundations for apologetics, explores various contemporary methods for approaching apologetics, and gives practical guidance in "how to" chapters that feature many real-life illustrations. With their respectful approach, which pays special attention to the attitude and posture of the apologist, Chatraw and Allen equip Christians to engage skeptics with the heart as well as the mind.
Conversational in tone and balanced in approach, Apologetics at the Cross provides a readable introduction to the field of apologetics. Readers will be informed and equipped for engaging a wide range of contemporary challenges with the best in Christian thought.
For more information on individual products included in this collection please see the links below:
Apologetics at the Cross
Apologetics at the Cross: Audio Lectures
Looking for a set that includes the audiobook as well? You can find it here.
Joshua Chatraw (PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) serves as the director for New City Fellows and the Resident Theologian at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. His books include Apologetics at the Cross, Cultural Engagement, Truth in a Culture of Doubt, and Truth Matters. He is a fellow with the Center for Pastor Theologians and has served in both pastoral and academic posts during his ministry.
Mark D. Allen (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, D.Min. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) serves as the Chair of Liberty University's Biblical and Theological Studies Department and the Director of the Greek Program. His Ph.D. from Notre Dame focused on Christianity and Judaism in antiquity and his dissertation dealt with Old Testament critical scholarship. Mark brings twenty years of church planting and pastoral experience.